환불원정대(Refund Sister)-don’t touch me cover dance @GROUN_D dance

환불원정대(Refund Sister)-don’t touch me cover dance @GROUN_D dance

그라운디 초등부 저학년 친구들의 [환불원정대-Don’t touch me] 안무 커버 영상입니다!
작지만 쎈 그라운디 sparkling 버전 안무영상!!
이쁘게 봐주시고 좋아요와 구독 눌러주세요^^

This is the cover video of the choreography of [Refund Expedition-Don’t touch me] of the low grade elementary school friends of Groundy!
Small but strong groundy sparkling version choreography video!!
Please look pretty and click like and subscribe^^

📍그라운디댄스학원 (본점) 1호점
instagram _ groun_d / groun_d____official
📞 010 8798 8894 (창원시 진해구 평안동 1-7 그라운디)

📍 그라운디댄스학원 (창원점) 2호점
instagram _ ground_changwon / groun_d____official
📞 010 6410 9855 (창원시 의창구 도계동 885-3 5층 )




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